Thursday, September 6, 2007


by Apol Laroco

When it seems odd
A part of you keeps calling home
But can’t connect
A part of you extends a hand
But still can’t reach
You think you’re full
But stinkin’ funny deep inside
You just feel odd
You don’t know why

Around you, many but can’t
Reach among so many
A question most holistic people try to view
When all your goodness, you thought,
Was shining through, inspiring you

But when you look back you knew
There’s nothing that you lack
When all the theories you knew
became firm facts
This can’t be wrong
Smart’s out of question
This is all odd

Coz suddenly
I found myself soaked in reality
That who I am is a façade- a dream, a ‘lack’
I have the head but then I couldn’t free my heart
That life is not about the sight, the thought, the sound
It goes beyond…

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